Energy Optimization
GCT has extensive expertise in energy optimization, including process plant energy intensity assessments, and process unit energy optimization. GCT regularly performs energy assessments for process equipment and off-gas systems. Specific capabilities include:
Audit and assessment of existing process operations with respect to productivity, efficiency, and environmental considerations
Benchmarking of energy consumption in process operations
Evaluation of material inputs, equipment capabilities and operating practices aimed at improved operating efficiency
Smart-Gas® technology – a proven low maintenance, user-friendly, and modular tool using proprietary software which enables melt shops to optimize their EAF’s total energy usage in real-time, while providing guaranteed minimum overall net savings of at least US $1.00/ton, plus safety and environmental benefits without the need to measure off-gas chemistry.
Let's Make
The World a
Better Place,
Gas Cleaning Services
GCT provides gas cleaning services such as process gas handling, fugitive emission control, bulk material handling, and more.